Error HTTP 401.2 — Unauthorized

If you get error “Error HTTP 401.2 — Unauthorized” you can locally disable authentication in following steps:

Open regedit and go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control > Lsa > MSV1_0

Add multiline key value (“REG_MULTI_SZ”) with name “BackConnectionHostNames”. As value enter hostnames of your IIS applications.


Inside IIS application in authorization section select ” Windows authentication” and change providers order into following:

  1. NTLM
  2. Negotiate

After these steps your error should be gone.



Increase size of web.config file

When you need to have a bigger web.config file – for example when you want to use a Sitecore Commerce Server you should do following steps:

  1. Open regedit tool ( inside cmd run “regedit” command )
  2. Find the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > InetStp > Configuration ( if key “Configuration” doesn’t exists – just add it )
  3. Add DWORD Value named “MaxWebConfigFileSizeInKB” with value 500

At the end it will look like in bottom image:
