20 may 2016 will go down in history as day of first in Poland Sitecore meetup.
I have a pleasure to be an organizer of this event. In cooperation with our sponsors (Coders.Center & Sitecore) we are trying to build community of Sitecore users in Poland.
On first meetup our speakers are going to talk about:
- Sitecore XP – more than CMS – about platform capabilities in support of online marketing (Jakub Koba)
- Sitecore xDB – Architecture and Configuration (Tomasz Juranek)
- Sitecore & Gulp as a way of automatization in Siteore projects (Radosław Kozłowski)
If you want to be a part of this event here you can find more information:
Presentations from Meetup:
If you want to join to our community, here you are able to find more information: