PowerShell – stage 1

I have decided to prepare some PowerShell scripts to automatize my work with Sitecore. In this and next articles with PowerShell in the name, you will find some resolved issues and some useful scripts as well.


As you can noticed in the title – I wrote PowerShell not Powershell or powershell or anything else. You should also remember about correct name.

I do not know if you noticed how people very often write Sitecore in the wrong way. I mean examples like “SiteCore” – looks strange right?

That is why we should care about details.

Prepare your system to run PowerShell scripts

After some fun with inline PowerShell scripts you probably will decide to create your first file with PowerShell script. Then probably you will have following error:

File XXX cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170.

It means that you do not have enough permissions to run PowerShell scripts. You have to change that, for instance with following command (remember to open PowerShell Terminal in Administrator mode):

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

More about options you can find here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/powershell/reference/5.1/Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/about/about_Execution_Policies


To write/manage your PowerShell scripts you can use many tools. I have chosen Visual Studio Code. It’s simple, it’s for free and when you install PowerShell Extension it will have IntelliSense.

Third meetup of Sitecore Community Poland – 21 October 2016

On 21 October 2016 in Wroclaw we are going to meet again on Sitecore Community Poland meetup. We are going to talk about very unique topics:

  • Artificial intelligence in Sitecore (Una Verhoeven)
  • AWS (Amazon Web Services) with Sitecore (Robert Senktas)
  • SPEAK (Łukasz Skowroński – ups, it’s me)

More details you can find on the event page:

You have to be there with us!

Reserve your free ticket here: http://bit.ly/SitecoreCommunity3rd

Check the summary (with photos & videos) of our previous meeting: here.


Sitecore Community Poland – summary of second offline meetup

Second meeting of Sitecore Community in Poland was a great success. We had speakers and visitors from different companies and we actually spent some time on networking – what was even more cool.

It was also the first one (and probably the last one) meetup with live streaming – we want to see all of you there with us.

You can check how good fun we had on:

If you want to join to our community, here you are able to find more information:

See you soon!

npm install failed because of git connection issue?

If after running of command “npm install” you have an error similar to:

npm ERR! git clone git://github.com/xxxxx fatal: unable to connect to github.com

it is possible that you have an issue with “git” protocol.

Try to change the settings of git to force it to use “https” instead of “git”. To do this, run the following command in git bash:

git config --local url."https://".insteadOf git://

After that you can try to run “npm install” again.